This plugin is made of three main modules wich generaly form the sound path of synthesizers: the VCO, the VCF and the VCA.
"Pure" (VCO), "timbre" (VCF) and "amplitude" (VCA, mixer, inverter, attennuator, VC polariser...) are the firsts modules of this plugin
that will be fill with some others module.

Design philosophy:
- Make modules that used original algorythms, differents from the VCV fundamentals series
- Develop modules using "vult" (not same algorythms than used for the vult modules).
- Create modules different from classical VCA, basic waveforms VCO,...that offer special features inspired by west coast synthesis or
  actual eurorack "exotic" modules.


The Free version of this plugins offer the amplitude module (VCA, mixer, inverter, attennuator, VC polariser...) Detour is part of the Hora-VCO_VCF_VCA plugin, it is available on both free and commercial version of the plugin. But the version includes with the free plugin is monophonic and the one coming with the commerical plugin is polyphonic (16 voices).



Detour offers an advanced model of the Vector Phaseshaping Synthesis and CV inputs for every parameters.
The vision that has guided the Detour's development is based on researches as part of a hardware digital synth's project.

This model has been selected for the wide sound variety it can produce compare to the needed CPU load.

The vision of this is also influenced by 80s phase distortion synthesizers and the sound can be very closed to the classiccasio CZ series.

The specific sound of detour is due to the model that can cover the classical PDS setting (and more), to the filter and to the internal
envelope generator.

The ADSR is a bit different from those usually developed for eurorack/VCV modules and the VPS model is exploited in a specific way
which offer to set two inflection points.

You can refer to this paper from the IRCAM for more thechnical details about the VPS:


Pure VCO is a voltage control oscillator that generate complex waveforms by folding a sine
or a triangle wave.
A switch allows to use an other type of folding that create imbalanced folding: folding that create different ampitude in the resulting ripples.
The module can also be used as an audio effect (voltage controlled wave folder) that can give harmonics or distord the signal in a very specific  way.

Pure VCO controls, inputs and outputs:

- Coarse
- Fine
- Octave range (+1, 0, -1)
- 1v/octave input
- morphable tri-sine wave
- fold intensity
- Multiply, in other words, how many time the wave is folded (2, 4, 8, 16)
- CV input for fold intensity.
- FM input with dedicated attenuator.
- Sync input
- Audio input that allows the using of the wave folder on any audio signal.


Here is a test of the VCO as a wave folding/distortion effect on drums.
Here is a little test of the modules to create a basic synth voice.
Timbre is a 4 modes VCF that is inspired by experiences relative to analysis, copy and mods of real hardware OTA VCFs.
It is not based on the same filter algorythm than the VCV modules
and is develop with
vult (trans-compiler for high performance DSP developed by Leonardo Laguna Ruiz).

This filter algorythm offers non linearity into the gain structure
of the filter and a particular resonance. The resonance can also be "overloaded", this stub out resonance and give particular warm bass sound in low pass mode.

It was very funny to test differents sound path circuitries for the feedback loop (linear, non linear, clippy). The module allows the users to do the same.  The filter offers send and return in/out that  bypass the internal feedback loop and allows to modify it with sound effects or VCA to get voltage controlled resonance.

An other particular feature of this filter is the accent input that can be used for XoX bassline sequences.

Timbre VCF controls- inputs and outputs:

- Freq
- Reso (with auto-oscillation)
- Overload
- CV freq with dedicated attenuator
- CV freq 2 input
- 4 mode: LP- HP- BP- NOTCH
- Audio input with attenuator
- Accent input
- Accent length
- Feedbcak  loop insert.
- 12db output
- 24db output

introduce non-linearities into the gain structures ofilter
introduce non-linearities into the gain structures of the filter
Amplitude is made of two VCAs that offer voltage controlled attenuation-inversion (called strength). The two VCas outputs and an aux input are send to a mixer (the aux input has a dedicated attenuator).

It also includes a led quadrant on each VCA :

-Vertical position represents phase and amplitude of the incoming signal
- Horizontal position reprensents phase and amplitude of the control signal (strength).

Like on the "timbre VCF" there is an accent input for x0x style sequences.
This modules is more than a VCA and can be used as a mixer, attenuator, inverter, VC polarizer,...

Amplitude controls, inputs and outputs:

- Strength (amplitude-phase of the signal)
- Strength cv input
- audio input 1 and 2
- VCA1 and VCA2 outputs
- Aux input
- Mixer ouput
- Accent input
- Accent length
- led Quadrant1 and led Quadrant2.

Here is a video tutorial for "timbre" and "amplitude" modules. 

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