Here are some patching ideas from Omri Cohen for the spectral processor.
Here is an ambiant generative patch using the "VCO-VCF-VCA" plugin (Pure, timbre, and amplitude) by Omri Cohen
Here is a generative patch made of hora modules and others playing "Veridis quo" (Daft Punk).

Using of the new VCO as an audio effect (volatge controlled wave folder) that can give harmonics or distord the signal in a very specific way. The patch use Hora music sequencer and drums, the trigger outputs of the sequencer are mixed to trig an ADSR that control the folding intensity of the VCO.

This was the very test of drum sequencers and drums modules on V 0.4. 
This very first release of hora music (on November 2017) is the starting point of o long modules series that is still growing...


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